Giving Back
- Adopt a Family Program
- Atlantic Marine Conservation Society
- Child Care Council of Nassau, Inc.
- Children’s PressLine
- Citymeals on Wheels
- Court Officers Benevolent Association
- Courtney Lynn Blakeslee Foundation
- Dr. Edwin P. Alyea’s Research Fund
- Fresh Air Fund
- Garden City Fire Department
- Hofstra University for Children, Families, and Law
- Little Flower Children & Family Services
- Little League
- Long Island Builders Institute
- Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue
- Maggie Fischer Memorial Cross Bay Swim
- March of Dimes
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Nassau County Women’s Bar Association
- NC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- NC Womens Bar Foundation Scholarship Fund
- New York State Association of P.B.A.’s
- Northport American Legion
- NY Police Combat Association
- NYS Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.
- NYS Association of P.B.A.’s
- Paralyzed Veterans of America
- Smile Train
- Southampton Town P.B.A.
- SPCA International
- St. Baldricks
- Suffolk County Bar Association
- Suffolk County Women’s Bar Association
- The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- The NephCure Foundation
- The Safe Center LI
- Townwide Fund of Huntington, Inc.
- V.N.S. Hospice of Suffolk
- YMCA of Long Island, Inc.
- Youth Inc.